spring cleansing
Hello and welcome to Spring! I have been waiting for this moment and it's finally here. Although I did enjoy winter, there's a time for everything and this year I have allowed for the seasons to change and for me to change alongside it. There's no sense of complaining about the weather, it will always change without your say so. So if you are in a season of your life you don't particularly like, let that season of grief, loss or confusion take it's course. Because it will whether you like it your not. Focus on how you want to go through it and who you want to be after this season.

Enough about that, I am leaving you with a list of everything I am doing for my spring cleaning & cleansing:
exfoliate skin & moisturize daily
buy plants
try a juice fast
eat whole foods
bake banana oat cookies (with chocolate chip cookies) because they are so good and easy to make

deep clean my space
switch your room around by rearranging furniture
do a little thrift shopping (this can also be done online)
dress up and have a photo shoot
eat salads (because I despise them)
find a new outdoor activity (I want to try running for some reason)
eat seasonal & local

get a rose quartz crystal
donate excess stuff
express gratitude & appreciation
stay hydrated (2L a day)
cord cutting meditation (is something that's really been helping let go of negative attachments)
have a skincare routine & products of my own that I like
ask myself "how can I be of service?"
stick to my Lent fast (which is giving up caffeine)
walk in nature
try a new yoga teacher or pose or style

minimize trips to the grocery store and spend more time away from big crowds
heal your inner child
pray for protection and guidance
send a letter or a heartfelt email
write poetry or just little notes when they come up

I have gotten in the habit of making shorter blog post since starting a podcast but I think this minimal style of blogging works. If you want to listen to the podcasts just type in "SAD GIRLS DIARIES" wherever you listen to your podcast!
Take care of yourselves loves
& enjoy all the extra sunlight time