25 rules for life
I know I haven't written for over 2 months and I think turning 25 yesterday is giving me the kick in the pants to come back to my commitments. This blog isn't the only thing that needs to get rebooted but that's my business. For now here are 25 lessons that I've found very useful in my short life as it pertains to love, career and Self.
walk whenever you get the chance
don’t let people push you around/practice standing up for yourself
you don’t have to do a single thing you don’t want to
it’s better to be overdressed than it is to be underdressed
unfollow people that make you feel crappy
keep a physical journal or write in your notes
get therapy or group counseling
make friends that like the same things as you (in addition to your other friends)
reach out to your friends
take pictures of everything and anything
make playlists for every season and mood
drop anyone who isn’t there for you
invest in mental health (meditation apps, mats, therapy etc)
find a workout you enjoy and commit to it
listen to your books
reduce coffee intake (we’re not in college anymore, no one needs 5 cups of coffee)
get a plant or a hamster or anything to take care of
get a skincare routine (wear sunscreen, stop using toxic products, and stay out of direct sunlight)
tell people that you love and appreciate them
celebrate life and love whenever you have the chance
get specific about future goals, relationships/friendships, and finances
get advisors for finances and career help
focus on the things that you can control and not what other people are doing
if someone wants to see you/be with you they will definitely make the time
do things that make you really happy on a daily basis
Bonus: maybe start flossing
