My Monday Routine
Happy Monday! I hope you're enjoying the snow day today. If this Monday hasn't been too kind to you, I hope you have a cup of coffee to get through this list and replicate a few of these next week.

wake up half an hour earlier than usual
clean for 10 mins (despite doing the weekend cleanup)
do a kick ass workout to jump back into it if you rested for the weekend
get into the mindset by listening to motivational podcasts or speeches
do something future you would be proud of
shower mindfully
breath work or meditation centered around managing stress
slow down the mind by reading
put away laundry
make a cup of coffee or black tea
listen to podcasts while making breakfast
make a list of 3 things you have to get done and 3 you wish to get done
pick a mantra of the day or week and journal about it
if you're too busy to walk, step out for 10mins or stretch
keep track of progress- in calendar, apps etc.
check emails preferably when you have eaten and feel calm
make your go-to dinner in the air fryer, pressure cooker or something you can look away from for awhile
always come back to the breath and remember that you are enough despite how much you get done today
Take care my loves,