28 days of self-love
Welcome to Febuary! Welcome to Black History Month and welcome to the month of Love. I wanted to compile a list of things you can do to treat yourself, relax and reflect this month.
practice positive affirmations
do a body scrub and a face mask (homemade)
make infused water or a hibiscus refresher
take a nature walk
do a digital cleanse
make a 5 year plan
make a healthy meal (salad, smoothie, or a juice)
make myself (and others) a big breakfast
do a card reading
letter burning ritual
paint my nails
get myself flowers
do breath work or a longer meditation than usual
practicing attracting love
make a dating profile/look for friends
get financially literate (+make a budget)
deep condition my hair (+ try new natural hairstyles)
get a massage
deep clean my space (bedroom + office)
listen a BHM playlist or some jazz
listen to an audiobook about an important topic that interests you
do karaoke or have a dance party in the living room
take myself on a date
set boundaries + have difficult conversations
listen to heart chakra music
practice vulnerability as taught my Brene Brown
keep a rose quartz nearby
dress up and learn to apply makeup
Feel free to tailor a personalized list for yourself or borrow a couple of my ideas. This is what I'll be up to this month, and I hope whatever you do with yours is fulfilling.
Take care,
