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My dream self care routine

welcome back I hope you are well rested. This week's blog post is a follow up on last week's post titled My Favourite Wellness Products. I know I made a disclaimer that wellness is quite vague so my favourite products might not apply to you nor might they even work to improve "wellbeing". But still we march forth with a blog post about the Sunday self care routine I've been dreaming about but skip because I napped all day.


yoga practice

a really big breakfast with avocado toast, eggs and vegan bacon

window shopping

sweep and mop my room

dust surfaces

wash my sheets

bike around

walk piper down the trail

wash my hair

shave my legs

eat vegan comfort foods

try a new recipe

10 mins of pilates

stay up talking with my sisters or watching comedy specials

fall asleep to rain sounds



bake something (preferably lemon loaves)

no social media

read for 20 mins

water the plants

walk piper

clay mask

bath with salt and lavender oil

10 mins of yoga


paint my nails

listen to my playlist

drink a glass of wine

watch Grey's

put my hair in cornrows

run the diffuser

put on my sleeping mask and go to bed

I really tried to incorporate the 7 pillars of wellbeing that my therapist introduced me to. That includes taking take of yourself physically (sleep, exercise, going outdoors). Nutritionally through eating intuitively and enough. Emotionally by expressing all your needs, wants and feelings with yourself via a journal or simply talking to yourself or with the help of a trusted persons or therapist. Socially by making time to have coffee or FaceTime with people that care about you. Spiritually through prayer, meditation and deep self-reflection. Intellectually by making time to watch documentaries, TedTalks, Youtube videos or books about the topics that interest you. Financially by reserving your budget for things that matter, giving back or finally giving your friends the money you owe them. And finally, environmentally by surrounding yourself with positive things and people, maintaining a clean space or joining a intramural team or a book club for a hobby.

most importantly, make sure you feel good

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