little comforting things
I hope your quarantine blues symptoms have somewhat subsidized and you have found something to do, to change, to love and to comfort you. Here are a few of my daily highlights I call my little comforting things...

listening to Bob Russ paint clouds
blueberry pancakes
messaging someone you haven't spoken to in months
turning off your phone and not feeling anxious about it
sleeping in and not feeling groggy afterwards
Ben Platt's album and Netflix special
biking at sunset
walking Piper down the trail with no music just listening to the wind and birds
sitting on the patio and feeling the sun on my skin
switching to decaf (not right away though)
ditching routines and planning the day intuitively
making a summer bucketlist
being hopeful
commenting on peoples photos and not just liking them
smiling and waving a neighbors and fellow bikers and runners
having a tiny conversation with the cashiers at the checkout
wishing well for the planet and having positive intentions just makes you happier
new recipes while listening to new albums
loving someone from afar and wishing them well
making a playlist
painting your nails different shades of pink
rewatching New Girl
finishing Supernatural with my brothers (bc I was too scared to finish it on my own tbh)
making a collage of your friends, fav quotes, dreams etc.
I have had trouble getting to bed so peppermint essential oil and rain sounds knock me out right away
attempting to do 30 day yoga challenges and not caring when I skip days
meditating laying down on my bed > on the mat
baking late at night
talking to my sisters about our most embarrassing moments or playing taboo or uno or making friendship bracelets just us girls
walking barefoot and just feeling the earth and the warmth of the earth
doing things that make you feel beautiful (and light)
watching legally blonde the musical, Coco or Big Hero Six
sitting on my mother's lap
writing when my family's asleep
having a bathroom dance party when my family's asleep (cause I can't sleep)
blocking or unfollowing sites, pages, people, services and products that make me feel insecure or sad
reading about consciousness and our understanding
looking back and counting how many toxic people the universe took out of your life
looking back and realizing that you're actually doing okay
understanding that we are all struggling
understanding that I'm never alone
and even if I am truly alone and disconnected and home alone, I still have the other things on this list. this too shall pass by sunrise and if it doesn't stay calm, bake muffins and take another nap
make your own lists and delight in the things that make you feel surrounded and comforted
take care loves,