summer bucketlist
Despite shops opening back up, I still tried to make this list as quarantine proof as possible..

go swimming in the backyard (waterballons + sprinkler will also do)
go to a cottage
celebrate my 23rd
jump on trampoline
make smores
watch a movie at night on the patio
drink iced coffees only
at home mini-pedi
take photos of myself outdoors
actually wear a bikini even if im not swimming
indulge in vegan ice cream
go thrift shopping
make a friendship bracelets
make homemade sushi
do a 30 day yoga challenge
read like I used to (2-3 books a month)
give smoothies/smoothie bowls another chance
ride my bike down the trail
replace concerts/parties with karaoke parties
check on/facetime my friends
drive around
paint a sunset
chalk a positive message on the sidewalk
clean my room and minimize my closet
finally furnish my bedroom
drink a liter of water
rewatch Gossip Girl (with my sister)
make brownies
go hiking and maybe go see a waterfall
watch empowering documentaries on Netflix
get sunflowers
don't get sunburnt
feel pretty
get back to meditating
get back to myself