The 5th year club

I am now taking applications for those of you who are 5th year students. The only requirement: you have to be a 5th year student. That’s it. We’re already at 4 members although 2 of these people think I’m kinding and the other two are my friends so I signed them up on their behalf. 5th year is one of those things that’s a drag but the more you look at it and realize you have to go back whether you like it or not. Is kind of exciting. I’m excited to do something that was supposed to take me a year less to finish. I’m excited to shamelessly write a ton of blog posts about it. I’m excited to tell people at gatherings about this extended period of time to balance both school and my mental health.

Me: “No, I’m not graduating this year”
Snobby relative: “wait so are you in 3rd year?”
Me: “No, 4th year I’m going to do a 5th year to complete my specialization
Snobby relative:…
Snobby relative: …
Me: “so how is your daughter doin-”
Snobby relative: “ should’ve done nursing”
Why is it that every relative is suddenly an academic advisor sponsored by the nursing department?! Anywho, I am including a 5th year bucketlist that I have been compiling for the last couple months now. This list is more like "everything I should of done since first year but never did". This I guess is my last chance at my last year.

Go to homecoming
Go to Frosh Week
Club Fest
Go to Supercrawl art festival
Go to a party
Go to a gala
Join an association/club
Buy more McMaster sweaters
Make new friends in each class
Go to LIFT church (campus church)
Make beautiful healthy lunches
Plan trips for next year
Go to lunch/for coffee with a friend at least once a week
Go to local vegan restaurants on Locke Street
Bike to school
Come up with atleast one business idea
Go to Hess (check and neveerr again)
Campus greenhouse
Find a new study spot on/off campus
Grab lunch at TwelvEighty (campus restaurant)
Hike the trails behind McMaster University
Work/Volunteer on campus
Campus Planetarium
Go to the McMaster Museum of Art
Attend a show at the Westdale Theatre
Go to a dog therapy sessions
Take advantage of covered counselling sessions
Go to a local concert
Go to a pumpkin patch
Watch Football games and support team games
Run a half marathon
Toronto Christmas Market in December
St. Patricks day
Do something for charity
Go on a campus tour(because I've never done an official tour)

Work in a coffee shop