Springtime Bucketlist
The snow has cleared up, the winter boots have been replaced by rainboots, the nails are painted very very yellow and matcha is sooo in again! What I really need from Spring season is rejuvenation, peace, hope and just something to look forward to. I need to get out of this social funk and talk to an actual human being, to shake some things up and just leave the house for something other the school. To plan things, declutter things and to mend things before the summer starts. This is the last chance to work extra extra hard and push through exam season and gruelling workouts, before we can all enjoy a sunny sunny summer!

Get a bright Eastery manicure
Do a 30 day challenge of your choice
Wear rainboots everywhere/Get a new pair if you want
Write letters
Write using purple and pink pens only
Start a rose garden (like I plan to) or raise a plant baby
Watch Lala Land
Join a cycling class
Start your morning with lemon infused water (and apple cider vinegar if you're brave)
Take your vitamins and medication
Get a jade roller
Drink fruit tea
Let go of grudges and ask for forgiveness
Call people you haven't spoken to in awhile
Go on a date
Buy yourself some flowers
Paint a picture or sketch a pretty drawing
Plan a trip to somewhere that looks pretty in the Spring like Japan
Spring clean -> donate -> go thrifting
Make a spring playlist (follow mine on Spotify!)
Make a large yummy cheat day brunch (Psst the sausage is vegan!)
Eat avocados cause duhh
Have a pamper night with oils, petals and the whole shabang
Hold your bunny (or your cat, dog, self) extra long
Consciously do something for Earth day (April 22nd)
Start a working on a creative project you enjoy
Plan a healthy (and maybe even vegetarian) Easter dinner
Get a salt lamp because there cool and I want one!
Swap books, musics or your favourite movies with someone
Watch a sappy 80's movie
Track your good habits in a journal
Read a couple books
Take your runs outdoors + Work out with a friend (if they're not too busy studying)
Visit your doctor for a checkup/speak to a councillor
Have something to look forward to like a concert, a festival, sleep and make a pretty vision board out of it
Plan a family photoshoot or just one for insta
Swap your coffee for a matcha green tea lattee
Attempt to write poetry
Bake a carrot cake often
Eat dark chocolate
Check in on your resolutions (cause we're 4 months in already!)
Cut some pictures out and journal on a rainy day (or map out your life like so)
Buy something that makes you feel pretty
Meditate in a sunny spot
Diffuse or apply lemongrass essential oil
Bike at sunset
Go to a petting zoo and pet a pig (cause they cute)
Get lavendar, purpleish and pinkish workout clothes
Go to a Farmer's Market
Hug your mom
I don't have much of a conclusion except that you're golden and you got this; and that you totally got this because you're golden!
Happy Spring loves,