Planning for 2019
A new month/year means, for me at least, new journals, agenda, clean space, clean slate and an attempt at reinventing myself. This post is about the planning method that I've been using to stay organized.

1. Journalling
If you don't care for journalling, you can either skip this one or try to stick with me here. I don't journal often because to be honest it is time consuming, but in a good way of course. If you're looking for a way to do a brain dump every couple of days and check in, this honestly helps. I like to get a tad creative with mine and print pictures, add stickers to add color and not have a boring journal to look back to. I actually got a new journal even though I had a few other pages to spare in my old one but really wanted to start the year with something new and bright and pink and inspirational.
2. Make a vision board
I have made many vision boards before, but only started being intentional with them the last couple times around. I would always cut out things that I enjoyed and already had, but nothing that I was envisioning. Vision boards are not about being present and making sort of a gratitude board, but require you to paint a picture (in this case, cut out pictures) of what you see for yourself a little further down the line. I decided that after making my 2019 resolutions/intentions I would cut out visuals that reflect what I want to manifest this year. I like to incorporate words and not just images because I do get a glimpse of it when I wake up in the morning (and it does help that it's right beside my bed). If you don't want to make a physical vision board, there's always Pinterest if you're looking for something virtual or anything else that you would prefer to have as instant positive reminder of your goals. Like a picture in your wallet, an inspirational screensaver or even your tattoo that brings you back to the reason why you started whatever you're doing in the first place.
3. Monthly Calendar
I use a typical dry erase calendar to plan. I like to reserve one side of the board for positive notes and such. I never ever use that section for upcoming assignments or things I have to do in the month, but more for monthly bucketlists, quotes and this month I reserved it for my resolutions. Urgent dates can be found in my laptop or personal agenda and not on the larger calendar, so I don't have to be constantly bombarded with the same information. The smaller dry erase board is used mostly on weekends when I have a lot of things to do.
4. Daily agenda and gratitude journals
This is the second Kate Spade agenda I have purchased and I absolutely in love with them. They are spacious, practical and include stickers, need I say more. Although they are on the pricier end when it comes to agendas, I love them and use them everyday so it works out fine. I don't carry my agenda outside the house because it's pretty bulky, but refer to it before I start my day/week. Again important dates and appointments are found in my laptop which is synced to my phone so I'm always alerted even if I don't have my agenda. This might all seem much, but there's a method to the madness that is my planning, and basically I like writing things down to remember and having really important assignments and appointments digitally backed-up.
I got a new gratitude journal a couple days ago that works on a weekly basis. My previous gratitude journal was the Christian Gratitude Journal that comes with a daily verse. I like them both but I feel like I'm really going to enjoy easing the pressure of writing every single day by utilizing the weekly journal. I suggest this for those who want to start journalling or looking on the bright side by finding something to be grateful for.