Hello, December

The trees are up, the lights are hung and the mood is on! There's inevitably a peppermint candle burning away on the kitchen counter as cookies are in the oven. As we wait for the cookies to bake, some play Scrabble on the rug (for the third time this weekend) and others lounge on the couch listening to Christmas music, while others dance to it. Cookies, movies, music, blankets and coffee with friends you haven't seen awhile, are all of the many things that make Christmas feel like it arrived a whole lot sooner. Last week was all about cleaning up and getting organized for the month of December, and this week is all about making everyday feel a little more like Christmas and a little less like exam season.
Get an advent calendar preferably one that involves chocolate
Journal a little bit everyday
Once in awhile throw the duvet, pjs and/or socks in the dryer right before using them that night (or splurge on a heated blanket)
Crack the window open just a tad for some fresh air
Start lightly incorporating 2019 goals daily
Be extra extra nice to others as well as yourself
Whenever you go out, coffee is on you (or pay it forward or offer to buy a needy person a meal)
Make peppermint lattes at home (which I actually haven't been able to do yet)
Cook hearty vegetarian dishes for/with other people
Slow down your workout routine (from time to time)
Let classic Christmas movies play in the background as you carry on with your day
Cancel the day to read
Call people you haven't spoken to in awhile
Join me while reading Spark Joy by Marie Kondo (also the author of the life changing magic of tidying up) and let it inspire you to declutter your room/apartment/car/locker and mind for the New Year
Consciously choose love and laughter over stress and worry
Indulge, Indulge, Indulge
Plan a winter getaway to see family or to go snowboarding or whatever floats your boat
Go to all the check-ups you've been avoiding
Listen to a different Christmas album (genre) everyday. For example, Christmas lofi one day then jazz the next
Have a mini candy cane a day (this is merely a suggestion, there is no maximum)
Wear Christmas sweaters everywhere you go
Light a candle as you do your morning routine, bake and chill
Have cinnamon oatmeal on the weekdays and treat yourself to pancakes on the weekends (while in pyjamas of course)
Have a sleepover
Wear slippers indoors and Uggs outdoors
I understand that the next one isn't ideal for everyone but because I have more then enough people all under one roof, we can literally cue an impromptu dance party, sing along, board game night literally any day of the week. So if you have roommates, you can put up decorations up together or go to Christmas parties together or honestly just chat in the living room space for longer then 10 mins.
If donating items all at once is difficult, make an effort everyday to add one item of clothing, household item or canned food in its designated pile
Find the "gift" in each day by practicing gratitude
Make an effort of go outside everyday
Use Christmas lights as night lights

"Christmas is not a time or a season, but a state of mind"
-Calvin Coolidge