Fall mood boosters and trying a little something new...
Welcome back loves! I don't know about you guys but this week has been pretty long and looking back at this months blog post topics, my month has been a little bleh (for lack of a better word). Settling back into the school routine took longer then I expected; my sleep schedule is laissez-allez and still can't quit the late-night grilled cheese habit! But nonetheless, I'm still grateful for everything else. My family, my bed, a safe neighbourhood, the weather, access to education, sweaters, access to technology, pumpkin loaves, yellow nail polish, hugs, supportive folks, oh and a new month. Feel better? Good. Psst for every horrible thing/thought try finding two positive things/thoughts. Well back to the new month thing. I get very ecstatic about things like a new week, month and the new year of course. I live for, but don't wait for, the marking of a new start to ditch or commence a new habit, routine or train of thought. I get all Monica Geller about reorganizing, decluttering, planning and such. So I decided to kickstart the month with a new start not only in my life but on my blog. I'm super excited to record a podcast to share with you and ramble on about everything! So if this isn't displeasing grab a cup of tea, a bullet journal, a broom, a bike or whatever you need when listening to content and bare with me...

Mindful shower/bath
Get a fall inspired manipedi
Join a yoga class
Clean room
Donate clothes, canned goods, winter items I'm no longer using
Thrift shop for sweaters and other goodies
Make loose leaf tea
Get succulents
Decorate my room and get one of those salt lamp things
Get comfy with extra blankets, pillows, sweaters, throws
Make a hearty soup from scratch
Play football/go to a football game
Go to fairs and festivals
Go to a animal/fruit farm
Go hiking or biking or host a bonfire
Watch fall/older tv shoes- for sure going to be rewatching Freaks and Geeks, Friends, Supernatural, Teen Wolf (don't judge) and any movie that involves autumn in NYC
Make a playlist or feel free to listen to mine
Get reading
Have warm breakfast foods like waffles or oatmeal etc.
Get creative- found this old guitar book and thinking about picking up the guitar again but also have a sketch book I haven't gotten around to filling with crooked drawings
Bullet journal and cut out pictures from old magazines. Also, write letters of gratitude towards someone or make a gratitude list
Update my vision board
Let go of thoughts of last season- let go of old ways of thinking, past mistakes,
Go to Lush and see what's going on
Plan something- a trip to NYC, a concert downtown, a photo shoot in the middle of nowhere
See a doctor- if it's been awhile or if you tend to have to allergies or seasonal depression or worried about your vitamin D this new season or whatever the case may be, give your doctor/therapist/naturopath/advisor a call
Happy October :)