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The post that started it all...

I'm beyond ecstatic to launch this blog today! I've been told a million times that I should start a blog and I only began to take this suggestion seriously a few months ago. I know what your thinking “Busime, what the heck have you been doing this whole time?". I would love to tell you that I was too busy with uni or my bunny or anything else but no. As much as I loved writing and creating, I had labeled such activities as a waste of time. I put everything else on a pedestal knowing very well that writing is one of the only things that keep me from imploding...literally. I've only recently starting giving time to hobbies that make me feel over the moon kind of happy. I honestly wouldn't participate in anything unless it would involve numbers that would better me in someway. From my GPA, to the kilometres I can run to the amount of money I'm making, it was all about insignificant numbers that would mean nothing after I would reach my goals. After months of struggling with my mental health, quickly followed by lots of soul searching I snapped out of a funk that I would never want to claim as my life again. Growing up with God in my home, I was fully made aware that I have the right to live life in physical, emotional and mental abundance. After years of taking what felt like a million steps back and figuring who I am and what I would die for, I found it. Tadahhh!

There it was, everything I thought I would find in other people or things I found in me (as cheesy as that sounds). I'm so excited to share how I've moved (and continue to move) from a yucky state of mind to a place flowing with milk and honey as well as other little wellness habits, tips and tricks, routines and recipes that keep me sane. So if you have 5 mins every Monday Morning while drinking your morning tea or commuting or taking a quick break or simply wondering where the weekend has gone; I would love nothing more then to share and chat with you beautiful souls! Finally, I promise to always use this platform to speak truth, light and love. To be kind, supportive, inclusive, honest and above all other things; to be Simply Me.

To everything that is to come



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